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Haunted Poetry

Things have been a little insane lately, and I haven’t been able to do as much reading as I’d hoped. As I’m still studying up on the stone tape theory, I thought maybe I’d share some poems about ghosts by my favorite poets!

Why have humans always been so convinced of the #afterlife? Of ghostly encounters? Is it possibly the mind’s way of avoiding our natural fear of death and the unknown? I suppose it depends on who you talk to. Far too often my mind wanders and I ponder these ideas.

Cultures from all over believe in an afterlife of some kind. There’s been shared similar beliefs all across the world for centuries before the means to communicate far distances was possible! I’m not here to tell you one way or the other, and I believe we all have our paths. My path just happens to include lots of ghosts and lots of poetry…..

There are some poets who use “ghost” as a metaphor for old love, dream states or other things, and some for more literal purposes. Poetry is such a beautiful thing because I think we find what our hearts need when we read the words. I find all uses of “ghost” to be quite enjoyable. Maybe a #ghost is many things. Who are we to say?

"The Ghosts Leavetaking" - Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath is one of my favorite poets of all time. This seems to be less about a spooky spectre and more about being between the two worlds during a “dream state”.

"The Haunted Palace" - Edgar Allen Poe

Of course Edgar Allen Poe is #classic ghastly, terrifying & #macabre.

"The Ghost" - Sara Teasedale

Sara Teasdale is another one of my favorites. Her poems sing softly to me while making me feel every emotion on the spectrum. “Love that is never spoken goes like a ghost through the winding years”. I enjoy this one and the comparison of love to ghost, and being haunted by said ghost.

"A Chilly Night" - Christina Rossetti

I hadn’t heard this one before, but I do quite enjoy it and will be reading more of Christina Rossetti.


Stay spooky & share your favorite poets or haunted poems with me!!!




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