The Archeologist Who Was Sat On by a Ghost
So, life has been a little crazy! I was in Los Angeles last weekend to see my favorite crazy Russian rave band, so I’m sorry for the lack of recent content.
I was also a guest on PIOT Paranormal’s podcast!
Anyways, I’ve been reading "Ghost & Ghoul" by T.C. Lethbridge. It’s a small book but it has some extremely valuable information & theories in it. He had a brilliant mind, and saw things from a more scientific perspective. I’d love to hear what he would say about the new spirit science technologies that we have today.
“Thomas Charles Lethbridge (23 March 1901 – 30 September 1971), better known as T. C. Lethbridge, was an English archaeologist, parapsychologist, and explorer. A specialist in Anglo-Saxon archaeology, he served as honorary Keeper of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities at the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology from 1923 to 1957, and over the course of his lifetime wrote twenty-four books on various subjects, becoming particularly well known for his advocacy of dowsing.”
In this post I’m going to present one theory he discusses that I find to be a very interesting idea of where spirits come from. I’m not saying that I think this is THE answer, but it’s extremely important to consider all theories.
So, reading this, is it possible that we are projecting our own mental images to those people who may be receivers? It’s definitely possible. There are many people who have psychic/medium abilities who claim to be able to touch an object or sometimes a person and get direct mental images in their heads. What Lethbridge is saying is sort of the same idea, except that maybe we aren’t consciously doing it. In this section of the book, he is writing about sitting down to dinner with two people. One of them had just had his wife pass, and was very overcome with grief. During the meal Lethbridge was sitting in the deceased wife’s spot at the table, and says he was “suddenly sat on and enclosed by someone I could not see”. In theory, the grieving widow was thinking intently about his dead wife and projected this onto Lethbridge’s receiving set. Since he was also sitting in her spot, maybe the husband wishing it was his wife there instead.
My first thought was wouldn’t this happen all the time then? Wouldn’t we all be projecting images of our deceased loved ones for others to see? But no, I don’t think it’s that simple at all. Extreme emotions (like the grief of losing a loved one) play a large part in a lot of paranormal happenings and psychokinesis incidents. There’s also the perfect storm kind of effect to consider. The emotions were so focused and so strong near the receiver that they could have possibly had the physical projection of being sat on. Maybe Lethbridge is more sensitive to receiving than others and in the moment the perfect storm occurred. Maybe if it had been someone else sitting at the edge of the table this wouldn’t have happened. It goes hand in hand with the question of why do some people experience paranormal happenings and others don’t? Some would say because we are crazy or mentally ill, which is a lot of bullcrap. Of course there are some crazies out there but so many of the people I’ve talked to about their experiences are absolutely not crazy. I don’t have all the answers but I think we all have the potential to be open or to be “receivers”. Some are just born with a more natural ability while others must work harder at it. Kind of like those who are naturally inclined to play music and can pick up any instrument and figure it out, while others (like me) must work extra hard to get even the basics.
After mulling this around for awhile, I strongly agree with Lethbridge that this could be an explanation to some paranormal happenings. Most definitely not all, though. I’m excited to finish reading the rest of this wonderful little book and hopefully will have more to share soon.