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I am Haunted.... and not just by what was shown on my episode of the Netflix series: "Haunted"

Hey y’all, while I’m working on a more in depth entry about T.C. Lethbridge and the stone tape theory, I figured maybe I’d share one of my own spooky tales! (Hoping to do some horror movie reviews soon too)

Aside from the story I shared in #Haunted, I’ve had many other experiences over the years. Nothing quite as scary and enduring as what I shared on the show but here is one that stands out:

I’ve come to the conclusion that things are attracted to me (too bad it’s spirits and not Zak Bagans), especially when I’m with my mom. About a year and a half ago, I was laying in bed watching South Park and was finally getting sleepy. My eyes were heavy and I just started to close them when I felt a really light tickle trace down my bare shoulders. Almost like when a stray hair tickles you. My hair was up in a ponytail so it wasn’t that. For a few moments I was too scared to turn around, afraid I’d see a shadow figure or something else straight out of a nightmare. Eventually, I got the courage and turned over. I didn’t see anything standing there lurking, but my closet door was open with the light turned on. I got up, shut it and tried to convince myself that my cat learned how to open the closet door and flip the switch…it’s amazing what our brains can rationalize when we’re scared. Not long after I slipped back under my faery comforter and began to drift, something whispered “EXCUSE ME” right in my ear. You know the feeling when someone talks really close to your ear and you get goosebumps all over your body? It was exactly that. I shot up and looked around to see nothing. Needless to say my mom and I cleared the apartment the next day and that seemed to help. Whatever comes around usually doesn’t stay for long anymore, which is nice. But sometimes it’s a real shocker when these things happen. You never really get used it!

My "Haunted" Experience:

My episode of the Netflix series "Haunted" is SEASON ONE, EPISODE THREE Life is a strange ride, I'd like to think the afterlife is too! Xoxo



Thank you for exploring the unknown with me!

Have you ever experienced something that you couldn't explain? Was there ever a time where you thought, "maybe that's paranormal"? 

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